Sunday, December 29, 2019

Transformation Of Characters In The Kite Runner - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 948 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: The Kite Runner Essay Did you like this example? The Kite Runner is filled with many compelling characters that have struggled much throughout story and transform into their better halves by redeeming themselves into a better person. Amir is the narrator and the protagonist that is driven by his guilt caused by his desire to win over his fatherrs affection. Throughout the book, Amir is searching for countless ways to to deal with his guilt by redeeming himself. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Transformation Of Characters In The Kite Runner" essay for you Create order In the book, The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini, Amir is introduced as a character that struggles with his guilt but, throughout the book is constantly searching for redemption using his guilt, pain, and his loss to guide him in his journey to redemption. Amirrs guilt is first established when he witnesses the rape of his best friend Hassan and simply stands by allowing such a horrific act to transpire. Amir is introduced to his guilt when he says, That was a long time ago, but itrs wrong what they say about the past, Ive learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years (pg. 4). Amir is referencing the scene that he witnessed in the alley while Hassan was being rape, and emphasizes that as much as he attempts to bury his past, it will always come back to haunt him. Amirrs journey to redemption begins when he realizes how he had betrayed such a robust relationship that he shared with Hassan. However, Amir attempts to redeem himself shortly after being informed about Hassanrs death when he states, Hassan is dead now. That boy sleeping on the couch is Hassans son. Hes my nephew. Thats what you tell people when they ask And one more thing, General Sahib, you will never again refer to him as Hazara boy in my presence. He has a name and its Sohrab (pg. 361). Another way, Amir aims to redeem himself is by respecting Hassan and not permitting anyone to disrespect his son and his name. Amirrs guilt caused by what occured in the alley, motivated him to care for Sohrab while also searching redemption. It is evident how Amirrs guilt plays a crucial role in Amirrs journ ey to redemption. Although, Amirrs journey to redemption is heavily influenced by his guilt, Amirrs pain motivates him to not permit his loved ones to ever feel the pain he had to endure to become the man he is now. Amirrs father is a constant reminder of the pain he has to carry alongside, because Amir has always felt that his own father hated him. Amir suspicions of hatred are hinted when he says, I was going to win, and I was going to run that last kite. Then Id bring it home and show it to Baba. Show him once and for all that his son is worthy. Then maybe my life as a ghost in this house would finally be over. (60). Amir struggles to gain appreciation from his father but, attempts to achieve it by winning a Kite Flying tournament and finally making his father proud. Amirrs pain influences him to redeem himself by not becoming the coward he believes his father oughts him up to be. Amir aspires to be like his father because he makes him to be a respected, honorable, and a caring person. Amir has always felt inferior to his father because he can never be the boy his father wished him to be. Amir struggles to stand up for himself and is often placed in a situation where Hassan stands up for him. A boy who wont stand up for himself becomes a man who cant stand up to anything (pg. 35) is something that his father once told him. However, Amir finds it difficult to stand up for himself. The pain of feeling inferior to his father motivates him to become a better person while progressing his journey to redemption. Amirrs losses many things important to him throughout the book, including his own father, brother, and mother. Amir successfully transforms the pain he received from those losses to an excellent motivating factor to his journey to redemption. Before, Amir witnessed the death of his father, Amir strived to become the man his father was. Therefore, took into consideration everything he says including, There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft.When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his Wifers right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, You steal someones right to the truth(17). Although, the death of his father greatly impacted Amir, this quote pressures Amir to redeem himself. The loss of his father enables him to continue the legacy that his father left behind. Another, example that reveals the impact of the death of his father is when Amir says, Sometimes, I think everything he did, feeding the poo r on the streets, building the orphanage, giving money to friends in need, it was all his way of redeeming himself. And that, I believe, is what true redemption is, when guilt leads to good (316). Amir believes that his father struggled with the same feelings of guilt, which leads him to believe that he can also redeem himself. This realization is a prime example how the death of his father influenced his decision to redeem himself and eradicate his feelings of guilt. Although, Amir at a young age was unable to stand up to himself, the death of his father taught him that he can only redeem himself by fighting for what is right .

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Relationship Between Peer Group Conformity and Self...

RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PEER GROUP CONFORMITY AND SELF CONFIDENCE WITH SMOKING BEHAVIOR ON TEENAGERS Psikologi, Universitas Negeri Malang ABSTRACT. Today, smoking behavior is not only dominated by the adults, but also has penetrated the teenagers, especially young men. In the neighborhood often find the sight-teen boys gathered while smoking, which is often seen are usually idle moments they assembled in the shop, cafe or other public places The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between peer group conformity and confidence level on smoking behavior in adolescence. The design of this study used a descriptive correlational analysis. Subjects numbered 40 students of SMK Brawijaya Batu, and the sampling technique uses†¦show more content†¦Kata kunci: Konformitas, Kepercayaan Diri, Perilaku Merokok. Lutfi Ardha Andika adalah Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) angkatan 2008. Artikel ini diangkat dari Skripsi Sarjana Psikologi, Program Sarjana Universitas Negeri Malang Rokok adalah salah satu produk konsumen terlaris di seluruh dunia. Rokok memiliki banyak pembeli yang loyal serta memiliki arus perdagangan yang berkembang pesat. Menurut data World Bank pada tahun 1999 kurang lebih 1,1 milyar penduduk dunia merokok dan pada tahun 2025, jumlah tersebut diperkirakan akan terus meningkat (Departemen Kesehatan, 2002). Dewasa ini, perilaku merokok tidak hanya didominasi oleh kalangan dewasa saja, tetapi juga sudah merambah pada kalangan remaja terutama remaja putra. Merokok pada remaja putra sering diidentikkan dengan kegagahan dan kedewasaan. Alasan remaja putra untuk berperilaku merokok bervariasi. Menurut Santosa (dalam Wulansari 2006) remaja merokok untuk pergaulan atau persahabatan, coba-coba, mengurangi tekanan, meniru orang tua yang perokok, menimbulkan perasaan dan perasaan percaya diri. Apabila ditinjau dari sisi psikologis, kecenderungan untuk merokok pada remaja dapat dipengaruhi oleh kebutuhannya diterima secara sosial dalam lingkup teman seb ayanya danShow MoreRelatedPositive And Negative Impacts Of Social Psychology1404 Words   |  6 PagesSocial Psychology is defined as â€Å"a subfield in psychology that focuses on social interaction between people, how people influence and are influenced by others, and the relationship between the individual’s behaviors/cognitions and that of others in a group† (Robertson, 2002-2015). Within that subfield there are many theories and concepts that explain these feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that are constructed and how psychological factors influence our interactions with others. The topics examinedRead MoreCaue and Effects of Peer Pressure2128 Words   |  9 PagesWilliams English 1301 October 28, 2012 Causes and Effects of Peer Pressure Peer pressure has a much greater effect on adolescent teens than any other factor. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Night World Soulmate Chapter 7 Free Essays

string(38) " the tip of the tooth with her thumb\." It was like being struck by lightning. Hannah felt the current through her body, but it was her mind that was most affected. I know you! It was as if she had been standing in a dark landscape, lost and blind, when suddenly a brilliant flash illuminated everything, allowing her to see farther than she’d ever seen before. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Soulmate Chapter 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now She was trembling violently, pitching forward even as he fell toward her. Electricity was running through every nerve in her body and she was shaking and shaking, overcome by waves of the purest emotion she’d ever felt. Fury. â€Å"You were supposed to be there!† She got out in a choked gasp. â€Å"Where were you?† You were supposed to be with me-for so long! You’re part of me, the part I’ve always vaguely missed. You were supposed to be around, helping out, picking me up when I fell down. Watching my back, listening to my stories. Understanding things that I wouldn’t want to tell other people. Loving me when I’m stupid. Giving me something to take care of and be good to, the way the Goddess meant women to do. Hannah- It was the closest thing to a mental gasp Hannah could imagine, and with it she realized that somehow they were directly connected now. He could hear her thoughts, just as she could hear his. Good! she thought, not wasting time to marvel over this. Her mind was raging on. You were my flying companion! My playmate! You were my other half of the mysteries! We were supposed to be sacred to each other-and you haven’t been there! This last thought she sent squarely toward him. And she felt it hit him, and felt his reaction. â€Å"I’ve tried!† He was horrified†¦ guilt-stricken. But then, Hannah could sense that this was pretty much the usual state for him, so it didn’t affect him quite as much as it might have someone else. And beneath the horror was an astonishment and burgeoning joy that sent a different kind of tingle through her. â€Å"You do know me, don’t you?† he said quietly. He pushed her back to look at her, as if he still couldn’t believe it. â€Å"You remember†¦ Hannah, how much do you remember?† Hannah was looking at him, studying him†¦. Yes, I know that bone structure. And the eyes, especially the eyes. It was like an adopted child discovering a brother or sister and seeing familiar features in an unfamiliar face, tracing each one with wonder and recognition. â€Å"I remember†¦ that we were meant for each other. That we’re†-she came up with the word slowly-‘ ‘soulmates.† â€Å"Yes,† he whispered. Awe was softening his features, changing his eyes. The desperate sadness that seemed so much a part of them was lightening. â€Å"Soulmates. We were destined for each other. We should have been together down the ages.† They were supporting each other now, Hannah kneeling on the porch and Thierry holding her with one knee on a step. Their faces were inches apart. Hannah found herself watching his mouth. â€Å"So what happened?† she whispered. In the same tone, without moving back, he whispered, â€Å"I screwed up.† â€Å"Oh.† Her initial fury had faded. She could feel him, feel his emotions, sense his thoughts. He was as anguished at their separation as she was. He wanted her. He loved her†¦ adored her. He thought of her the way poets think of the moon and the stars-in ridiculous hyperbole. He actually saw her surrounded by a sort of silvery halo. Which was completely silly, but if he wanted to think of her that way-well, Hannah wouldn’t object. It made her want to be very gentle with him. And right now she could feel his warm breath. If she leaned forward just an inch her top lip would touch his bottom lip. Hannah leaned forward. â€Å"Wait-† he said. That was a mistake, saying it out loud. It moved his lips against hers, turning it from a touch into a kiss. And then, for a while, neither of them could resist. They needed each other so desperately, and the kiss was warm and sweet. Hannah was flooded with love and comfort and joy. This was meant to be. Hannah was dizzy but still capable of thought. I knew life had something wonderful and mysterious to give me. Something I could sense but not see, something that was always just out of reach. And here it is. I’m one of the lucky ones-I’ve found it. Thierry wasn’t as articulate. All she could hear him think was, Yes. Hannah had never been so filled with gratitude. Love spilled from her and into Thierry and back again. The more she gave, the more she got back. It was a cycle, taking them higher and higher. Like flying, Hannah thought. She wasn’t dizzy anymore. She was strangely dear and calm, as if she were standing on a mountaintop. Infinite tenderness †¦ infinite belonging. It was so good it hurt. And it made her want to give more. She knew what she wanted. It was what she’d tried to give him the first time, when she knew he would die without her. She’d wanted to give him what all women could give. Life. She was only a girl now, not ready for the responsibilities that would come with making new life from her body. But she could give Thierry life another way. She pulled back to look at him, to see bruised dark eyes filled with aching tenderness. Then she touched his mouth with her fingertips. He kissed them. Hannah ignored the kiss and poked a finger in. Shock flared in Thierry’s eyes. There. That was it. The long canine tooth, just barely sharp. Not yet the tooth of a predator, of a fox or a lynx or wolf. She ran her finger against it. The shock turned to something else. A glazed look. Need mixed with pure terror. Thierry whispered, â€Å"Don’t-Hannah, please. You don’t know-â€Å" Hannah tested the tip of the tooth with her thumb. You read "Night World : Soulmate Chapter 7" in category "Essay examples" Yes, it was sharper now. Longer, more delicate. It would look like the tooth of an arctic fox in her palm-milky-white, translucent, elegantly curved. Thierry’s chest was heaving. â€Å"Please stop. I-I can’t-â€Å" Hannah was enthralled. I don’t know why people are afraid of vampires, she thought. A human could tease or torture a vampire this way, driving him insane-if she were cruel. Or she could choose to be kind. Very gently, Hannah reached with her other hand. She touched the back of Thierry’s neck, bringing just the slightest pressure to bear. But he was so obedient to her touch-it was easy to guide his mouth to her throat. Hannah†¦ She could feel him trembling. Don’t be afraid, she told him silently. And she pulled him closer. He grabbed her shoulders to push her away-and then just hung on. Clinging desperately, helplessly. Kissing her neck over and over. She felt his control break†¦ and then felt the sharpness of teeth. It wasn’t like pain. It was like the tenderness, a hurting that was good. And then†¦ devastating bliss. Not a physical feeling. It was emotional. They were completely together, and light poured through them. How many lives together have we missed? How many times have I had to say, Maybe in the next life? How did we ever manage to come apart? It was as if her question went searching through both their minds, soaring and diving, looking for an answer on its own. And Thierry didn’t put up any resistance. She knew that he couldn’t; he was as caught up as she was in what was happening between them, as overwhelmed. There was nothing to stop her from finding the answer. This revelation didn’t come all in one blinding illumination. Instead it came in small flashes, each almost too brief to understand. Flash. Thierry’s face above her. Not the gentle face she had seen by the porch. A savage face with an animal light in the eyes. A snarling mouth †¦ and teeth red with blood. No †¦ Flash. Pain. Teeth that tore her throat. The feel of her blood spilling warm over her neck. Darkness coming. Oh, God, no†¦ Flash. A different face. A woman with black hair and eyes full of concern. â€Å"Don’t you know? He’s evil. How many times does he have to kill you before you realize that?† No, no, no, no†¦ But saying no didn’t change anything. It was the truth. She was seeing her own memories-seeing things that had really happened. She knew that. He’d killed her. Hannah, no- It was a cry of anguish. Hannah wrenched herself away. She could see the shock in Thierry’s eyes, she could feel him shaking. â€Å"You really did it,† she whispered. â€Å"Hannah-â€Å" â€Å"That’s why you woke me up from the hypnosis! You didn’t want me to remember! You knew I’d find out the truth!† Hannah was beside herself with grief and anger. If she hadn’t trusted him, if everything hadn’t been so perfect, she wouldn’t have felt so betrayed. As it was, it was the greatest betrayal of her life-of all her lives. It had all been a lie-everything she’d just been feeling. The togetherness, the love, the joy †¦ all false. â€Å"Hannah, that wasn’t the reason†¦.† â€Å"You’re evil! You’re a killer!† She told me, Hannah thought. The woman with black hair; she told me the truth. Why didn’t I remember her? Why didn’t I listen this time? She could remember other things now, other things the woman had said. â€Å"He’s unbelievably cunning†¦ he’ll try to trick you. He’ll try to use mind control †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mind control. Influencing her. He’d admitted that. And what she’d been feeling tonight was some sort of trick. He’d managed to play on her emotions †¦ God, he’d even gotten her to offer him her blood. She’d let him bite her, drink from her like some parasite†¦. â€Å"I hate you,† she whispered. She saw how that hurt him; he flinched and looked away, stricken. Then he gripped her shoulders again, his voice soft. â€Å"Hannah, I wanted to explain to you. Please. You don’t understand everything †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Yes, I do! I do! I remember everything! And I understand what you really are.† Her voice was as quiet as his, but much more intense. She shrugged her shoulders and shifted backward to get away from him. She didn’t want to feel his hands on her. He looked jolted. Unbelieving. â€Å"You remember . .. everything?† â€Å"Everything.† Hannah was proud and cold now. â€Å"So you can just go away, because whatever you’ve got planned won’t work. Whatever-tricks-you were going to use†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She shook her head. â€Å"Just go.† For just a second, a strange expression crossed Thierry’s face. An expression so tragic and lonely that Hannah’s throat closed. But she couldn’t let herself soften. She couldn’t give him a chance to trick her again. â€Å"Just stay away from me,† she said. With all the confusion and turmoil inside her, that was the only thing she could keep clear in her mind. â€Å"I never want to see you again.† He had gotten control of himself. He looked shell-shocked but his eyes were steady. â€Å"I’ve never wanted to hurt you,† he said quietly. â€Å"And all I want to do now is protect you. But if that’s what you want, I’ll go away.† How could he claim he’d never wanted to hurt her? Didn’t killing her count? â€Å"That is what I want. And I don’t need your protection.† â€Å"You have it anyway,† he said. And then he moved, faster than she could ever hope to move, almost faster than thought. In an instant, he was close to her. His fingers touched her left cheek, light as a moth’s wings. And then he was taking her hand, slipping something on her finger. â€Å"Wear this,† he said, no louder than a breath. â€Å"It has spells to protect you. And even without the spells, there aren’t many Night People who’ll harm you if they see it.† Hannah opened her mouth to say she wasn’t afraid of any Night People except him, but he was still speaking. â€Å"Try not to go out alone, especially at night.† And then he was gone. Like that. He was off her porch and out somewhere in the darkness, not even a shadow, just gone. If she hadn’t had a fleeting impression of movement toward the prairie, she would have thought he had the ability to become invisible at a moment’s notice. And her heart was pounding, hurting, filling her throat so she couldn’t breathe. Why had he touched her cheek? Most people didn’t touch the birthmark; they treated it like a bruise that might still hurt. But his fingers hadn’t avoided it. The caress had been gentle, almost sad, but not frightened. And why was she still standing here, staring into the darkness as if she expected him to reappear? Go inside, idiot. Hannah turned and fumbled with the back door, pulling at the knob as if she’d never opened it before. She shut the door and locked it, and again she found’ herself as clumsy as if she’d never worked a lock or seen this one in her life. She was beyond screaming or crying, in a state of shock that was almost dreamlike. The house was too bright. The dock on the kitchen wall was too loud. She had the distracted feeling that it wasn’t either night or daytime. It was like coming out of a theater and being surprised to find that it’s still light outside. She felt that this couldn’t be the same house she’d left an hour ago. She wasn’t the same person who had left. Everything around her seemed like some carefully staged movie set that was supposed to be real, but wasn’t, and only she could tell the difference. I feel like a stranger here, she thought, putting one hand to her neck where she could just detect two little puncture marks. Oh, God, how am I ever going to know what’s real again? But I should be happy; I should be grateful. I probably just saved my own life out there. I was alone with a vicious, evil, murderous monster, and†¦ Somehow the thought died away. She couldn’t be happy and she didn’t want to think about how evil Thierry was. She felt hollow and aching. It wasn’t until she stumbled into her own bedroom that she remembered to look down at her right hand. On the fourth finger was a ring. It was made of gold and either white gold or silver. It was shaped like a rose, with the stem twining around the finger and back on itself in an intricate knot. The blossom was inset with tiny stones-black transparent stones. Black diamonds? Hannah wondered. It was beautiful. The craftsmanship was exquisite. Every delicate leaf and tiny thorn was perfect. But a black flower? It’s a symbol of the Night World, her mind told her. A symbol of people who’ve been made into vampires. It was the cool wind voice back again. At least she understood what it was saying this time-the last time, when it had given her advice about silver and wolves, she had been completely confused. Thierry wanted her to wear the ring; he claimed it would protect her. But knowing him, it was probably another trick. If it had any spells on it, they were probably spells to help him control her mind. It took nearly an hour to get the ring off. Hannah used soap and butter and Vaseline, pulling and twisting until her finger was red, aching, and swollen. She used a dental pick from her fossil-collecting kit to try to pry the coils of the stem apart. Nothing worked, until at last the pick slipped and blood welled up from a shallow cut. When the blood touched the ring it seemed to loosen, and Hannah quickly wrenched it off. Then she stood panting. The struggle with the little band of metal had left her exhausted and unable to focus on anything else. She threw the ring in her bedroom wastebasket and stumbled toward bed. I’m tired†¦ I’m so tired. I’ll think about everything tomorrow, try to sort out my life. But for now†¦ please just let me sleep. She could feel her body vibrating with adrenaline after she lay in bed, and she was afraid that sleep wouldn’t come. But tense as she was, her mind was too foggy to stay awake. She turned over once and let go of consciousness. Hannah Snow fell asleep. Hana of the Three Rivers opened her eyes. Cold and desolate, Hana stood by the rushing river and felt the wind blow through her. So alone. That was when Arno burst out of the bushes on the riverbank. There were several hunters with him and they all had spears. They charged after the stranger at full speed. Hana screamed a warning, but she knew he didn’t have a chance. She could hear a few minutes of chaos far away in the dark. And then she saw the stranger being driven back, surrounded by Arno’s hunters. â€Å"Arno-don’t hurt him! Please!† Hana was speaking desperately, trying to block the men’s way back. â€Å"Don’t you see? He could have hurt me and he didn’t. He isn’t a demon! He can’t help being the way he is!† Arno shouldered her aside. â€Å"Don’t think you’re going to get away without being punished, either.† Hana followed them up to the cave, her stomach churning with fear. By the time everyone who’d been awakened by Arno’s hunters understood what was happening, the sky outside had turned gray. It was almost dawn. â€Å"You said we should wait and see if the Earth Goddess would tell you something about the demon while you slept,† Arno said to Old Mother. â€Å"Has she?† Old Mother glanced at Hana sorrowfully, then back at Arno. She shook her head. Then she started to speak, but Arno was already talking loudly. â€Å"Then let’s kill him and get it over with. Take him outside.† â€Å"No!† Hana screamed. It didn’t do any good. She was caught and held back in strong hands. The stranger gave her one look as he was driven outside in a circle of spears. That was when the real horror began. Because of something that Hana had never imagined, something she was sure even the shamans had never heard of. The stranger was a creature that wouldn’t die. Arno was the first to jab with his spear. The whitish-gray flint spearhead went into the stranger’s side, drawing blood. Hana saw it; she had run out of the cave, still trying to find a way to stop this. She also saw the blood stop flowing as the wound in the boy’s side closed. There were gasps from all around her. Arno, looking as if he couldn’t believe his eyes, jabbed again. And watched, mouth falling open, as the second wound bled and then closed. He kept trying. Only the wounds where a spear was driven into the wooden shaft stayed open. One of the women whispered, â€Å"He is a demon.† Everyone was frightened. But nobody moved away from â€Å"the stranger. He was too dangerous to let go. And there were lots of them, and only one of him. Hana saw something happening in the faces of her clan. Something new and horrible. Fear of the unknown was changing them, making them cruel. They were turning from basically good people, people who would never torture an animal by prolonging its death, into people who would torture a man. â€Å"He may be a demon, but he still bleeds,† one of the hunters said breathlessly, after a jab. â€Å"He feels pain.†, â€Å"Get a torch,† somebody else said. â€Å"See if he burns!† And then it was terrible. Hana felt as if she were in the middle of a storm, able to see things but buffeted this way and that, unable to do anything about it. People were running. People were getting torches, stone axes, different kinds of flint knives. The dam had turned into a huge entity feeding off its own violence. It was mindless and unstoppable. Hana cast a desperate look toward the cave, where Old Mother lay confined to her pallet. There was no help from that direction. People were screaming, burning the stranger, throwing stones at him. The stranger was falling, bloody, smoke rising from his burns. He was lying on the ground, unable to fight back. But still, he didn’t die. He kept trying to crawl away. Hana was screaming herself, screaming and crying, beating at the shoulders of a hunter who pulled her back. And it went on and on. Even the young boys were brave enough now to run forward and throw stones at the stranger. And he still wouldn’t die. Hana was in a nightmare. Her throat was raw from screaming. Her vision was going gray. She couldn’t stand to watch this anymore; she couldn’t stand the smell of blood and burning flesh or the sound of blows. But there was nowhere to go. There was no way to get out. This was her life. She had to stay here and go insane†¦. How to cite Night World : Soulmate Chapter 7, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Woolworth Business Success

Question: Discuss about the Woolworth Business Success. Answer: Introduction Woolworth Limited is a widely diverse business, so it is very importance to group and make segments for the distinct needs and wants. Woolworth can deal in the segmentation of both the consumer and business types. Segmentation Woolworths mainly operates in consumer markets. It has a connection with both resources and intermediate markets. Its various segments are: Supermarkets: Woolworths and Progressive (NZ) Provides wide range of quality foods at competitive prices. Big W Provides high range of products for men, women and kids including toys, electronics, gaming, home and DVDs at low prices. Dan Murphy Australias highly demanded liquor store. Hotels (services sector):ALH Provides hospitality experiences restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, bistros, electronic gaming and accommodations. Dick Smith Electronics Deals in electronic goods, electronic project kits and hobbyist electronic components. Woolworths Ezy Banking Provides a range of financial services what ensures current needs and financial needs (Commonwealth Bank of Australia,2002). Targeting Targeting means to make a choice of which and how many segments of market the company shall enter into. Woolworth should target that market which is large enough to specify that particular segment. Target Market Segment Justification Supermarkets: Woolworths and Progressive (NZ) Segment size and growth In a decade, its value soared from R6bn to R51bn. Existing Competitors Shoprite and Pick n Pay are the existing competitors of Woolworth Supermarket as they also deal in the retailing of great quality food. Capacity of Woolworths to meet these need profitably as compared to its competitors Woolworth Supermarket is following a new pricing policy to attract more customers leading to high profitability. This policy includes lowering price, better range, target customers by offering them reward for loyalty and by improving its own brand. Positioning Positioning is a technique which includes brand, price and product. It is a marketing strategy to aim at occupying a distinct position as compared to its competing brands. A good marketing strategy relating to positioning helps a buyer to get knowledge about the product and can make purchase (Lauren, L, 2016). Competitive Advantage Woolworth has a good brand name so it can maintain customer loyalty. They follow Adaptation Strategy to satisfy the dynamic needs and wants of the consumers. Efficient Strategy used in promoting the products, sponsorship and advertising etc. Offering good quality products at low prices. Woolworth uses slick marketing so they can change peoples perception from an unaffordable rich man shop to the one that provides good quality products at affordable prices. Woolworth is successful in creating a name for itself as a soft luxury unlike its competitors who are often referred as luxury markets (Shevel, A, 2014) Positioning Strategy Woolworths offer more for less, this is their main strategy to attract more customer. They have been successful in positioning their product as fresh food people. They bring life to the people as they provide fresh food from farm to the consumers to resolve the issues related to sourcing and quality; and related to freshness. Due to this they have been able to gain trust from the people as they are not only supporting Australian companies but also Australian farmers and suppliers (, 2012). Conclusion Woolworth is greatly influencing the local economy by providing employment. As a result of this local people are being able to spend more and meet their wants. It is not only performing effectively in supermarket industry in Australia but also doing well in overseas market. References Shevel, A. (2014). Woolworths little secret to big success, Viewed 19 September 2016 from Commonwealth Bank of Australia.(2002). Ezy Banking Account available for all Australians, Viewed 19 September 2016 from (2012). Woolworths refreshes positioning amid supermarket wars, Viewed 19 September 2016 from Lauren, L. (2016). What is positioning in a Marketing Plan? Viewed 19 September 2016 from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Cognitive and Behavioral Theories

Introduction Psychology is the science of the nature the function, and phenomena of behavior and mental experience. (Colman, 1999, p.4).The word is derived from the Greek words â€Å"psyche† and â€Å"logia† to mean â€Å"breath or soul or spirit† and the study of something respectively. Cognitive psychology refers to the branch of psychology that examines internal processes of the mind.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Cognitive and Behavioral Theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The theory started in the 1970’s. Behaviorism was popularized in 1913 by John Watson, the father of behaviorism. It is based on the concept that behavior is acquired by training or learning to respond to stimuli. Behavioral theorists and cognitive theorists have always been in conflict. For instance, behavioral theorists understood depression because of a high rate of punishers and a low rate of reinforces in the client’s environment while cognitive theorists understood depression as the influence of negative, illogical, or self-destructive beliefs (Coady Lehman, 2008, p.25). Recently there has been a move towards a merger of the two theories in what is known as the cognitive-behavioral theory. From the study of both theories, psychologists discovered two types of behavior, Observable actions (overt behavior) and internal mental behavior (Covert behavior).This paper seeks to discuss and intensively analyze both the cognitive and behavioral theories and expound on their application and expansion. Cognitive Theory The cognitive theory is a psychological theory that studies the internal state of the mind and explains human behavior by studying the thinking process. It is based on the idea that we are like a computer when processing information and have an input, storage and retrieval functions (Brown, 2007, p. 6). Its core focus is therefore acquisition, processing, and storage of information. The key figures of the cognitive theory are memory, perception, attention, language, intelligence, and problem solving. It deals with the processes in absence of response to external stimuli and even explores abstract aspects such as dreams and hallucinations. Whereas behaviorism concentrates on external behaviors, the cognitive theory concentrates on the internal working of the mind. There has been a variety of works and experiments concerning the cognitive theory. The theory has been applied to experiment and determine the extent of normal cognition in studies related to neuropsychology to investigate whether cognition is normal or abnormal. In addition, it has been used to indicate the time or location at which a particular brain activity occurred in the study of neuro-images.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The cognitive theory has been expanded from time to time. The schema therapy has expanded it to reflect the origin of disoriented thinking in childhood and a combination of emotional and experimental methods to correct flaws in personality. The dialectical mechanism has expanded it to explain emotional irregularities and self-destroying tendencies among people suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. Various tests have resulted from the cognitive theory. These include personality tests, tests to determine intelligence levels, lie-detecting tests, and tests to determine the nature and extent of risk-taking in entrepreneurial ventures. Behavioral Theory The behavioral theory on the other hand is founded on the concept that acquisition of behavior is through constant training or conditioning which is brought about by interaction with external factors of the environment. According to John Watson, the primary subject matter of behaviorism was the element of behavior, which is the body’s muscular movements and gl andular secretions (Schultz. Schultz, E. 2010, p. 222). The major concepts of the behavioral theory are classical conditioning and operational conditioning. Classical conditioning is attributed to Ivan Pavlov, a Russian psychologist who conducted experiments using dogs. He studied the reflex response to external stimuli in the environment. After becoming conditioned to a certain stimulus, the organism responds automatically to it. Additionally, operant conditioning was developed by B.F. Skinner. It is based on the principle of punishment and reinforcement. According to him, use of punishment discourages prohibited behavior while use of rewards promotes and increases the acceptable behavior. Positive reinforces such as rewards, promote response to a behavior while negative reinforces such as sanctions, prevent occurrence of unwanted behavior. Focus of work related to the behavioral theory is to be found in application of behaviorism in therapy to heal both physical and psychological wounds. It is also applied in psychoanalysis and in the study of phobias. The behavioral theory has undergone rapid expansion. In education, it is used to observe learning trends by observing the behavior of the child, the parent, and the teacher as well as its impact on the child’s performance. In economics, it has been used to study market expansion by studying the behavior of firms and in ecology to study response of organisms to stimuli.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Cognitive and Behavioral Theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They are many tests formulated and developed based on the behavioral theory. It is applied in measuring the anxiety level by studying The Behavioral inhibition system. Together with the cognitive theory, it is used in personality tests and is the thinking behind addiction and drug-abuse tests. There is move towards combining both theories since they work togeth er and none works in isolation of the other. They have also been expanded along the same lines and are used together in therapy to heal depression. Reference List Brown, C. (2007). Cognitive psychology. London: SAGE Publications. Coady, N., Lehmann, P. (2008). Theoretical perspectives for direct social work  practice: A generalist-eclectic approach. New York: Springer. Colman, A. (1999). What is Psychology, 3rd Ed.London: Routledge Schultz, P., Schultz, S. (2012). A history of modern psychology. Australia: Thomson/Wadsworth. This research paper on Cognitive and Behavioral Theories was written and submitted by user Ayaan Bruce to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I R theory essays

I R theory essays Search 11 popular essay sites at once, OVER 25,000 essays, or check out our local essays and other features! Learn about new features and updates! Webmasters earn $$: evaluation of classical set piece wars Books related to evaluation of classical set piece wars "Classical set-piece wars between states seem to be a thing of the past, replaced by Intra-wars, insurgency and counter-insurgency wars of one kind or another. These developments give us reason to re-think all our theories of war and peace. We need new theories about violence in world politics." Discuss this claim. War has been a major focal point in international relations for the past 300 years. The moral, legal, humans and strategic nature of war has, and will continue to command attention of all followers of world affairs. War is a changing phenomena, taking on new characteristics as its surroundings change, diplomatic practitioners and academic experts regarded as one that it is fought between states but now this premise is being challenged. The theories developed by predominately by the realist paradigm are becoming anachronistic in its conception of war, a changing world means the realist notion of war is not relevant to emerging situations in the peripheral nations. War as an instrument of state policy is a relatively new phenomena, early wars were often though for more medieval objectives, for example the spread of Christendom. War in Europe only became largely politically based after the 17th century, and the main purpose of the exercise of military power shifted to hold the advancement and protection of the state as its primary concern. Despite its negativity war exists because of its vital role in politics, the two are inter-linked, "war is a continuation of politics by other means". War is a vehicle of conflict resolution, generally undertaken when diplomatic measures have been exhausted, war causes an outcome, therefore a rational...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Enterprise Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enterprise Project - Essay Example Throughout the period of undertaking the project, I hope to learn several aspects from fellow colleagues. While in a leadership position, I wish to learn how to engage and empower people. Leadership by fear that arises from the traditional management system is flawed, and its productivity may be in doubt. I will also learn particular insights on how technology can influence the activities of the group. Finally, I will learn to embrace vulnerability through developing courage to be seen. I developed a major cash flow report for the group, which is very vital in tracking the fiscal progress of the enterprise. I have certain weaknesses of being a perfect debater who has a passion for work. I tend to question everything, and this slows down the execution processes. However, I have a particular skill to counter the weaknesses. I am a self-motivated, determined, success-oriented, and hardworking natural leader. The combination of these qualities may not make up a perfect profile, but they will guarantee success in the enterprise